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Troy Andersen

Troy Andersen
Associate Professor/Lecturer

(801) 587-5354

Research/Teaching Interests:
Alzheimer’s Disease, Progressive Neurologic Disease, Aging, Health, Rural Health Care

Sumiko Anderson

Sumiko Anderson
Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-4259

Research/Teaching Interests:
Homelessness, Health and Wellness, Best Practices in Field Education, and Self-care

Tiffany Baffour

Tiffany Baffour
Associate Professor

(801) 581-7585

Research/Teaching Interests:
Community-based Participatory Research, Health Care Delivery, Violence Prevention, Evidence-based Mental Health, Professional Development in Social Work

Stephanie Bank

Stephanie Bank
Assistant Professor/Lecturer; BSW Director

(801) 585-3311

Research/Teaching Interests:
Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Loss, Grief, Parenting, Family/Relationship Issues, Health and Wellness

Joanna Bettmann Schaefer

Joanna Bettmann Schaefer

(801) 587-7600

Research/Teaching Interests:
Attachment, Treatment Outcomes, Wilderness Therapy, Residential Treatment

Emily Bleyl

Emily Bleyl
Associate Professor/Clinical; Director, MSW Field Education

Research/Teaching Interests:
Ethics in Social Work Practice, Child and Adolescent Well-Being and Social Policy, Professional Social Work Socialization and Identity


Meghan Broadbent
Research Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Social Research Institute

(801) 585-0736

Research/Teaching Interests:
Biostatistical methods, Child welfare, Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Machine learning, Program Evaluation, Suicide Intervention and Prevention, Qualitative Research Methods

Julia Burns

Julia Burns
Assistant Professor/Lecturer 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Human Behavior in the Social Environment, Social Work Groups, Social Work Practice, and Advanced Clinical Practice

Chris Cambron

Christopher Cambron
Associate Professor

(801) 581-8691

Research/Teaching Interests:
Health Disparities, Substance Abuse/Addiction, Cancer Prevention, Quantitative Research, Ecological Momentary Assessment

Regina Campbell

Regina Campbell
Assistant Professor/Clinical; Director, Neighbors Helping Neighbors
(801) 585-9156

Research/Teaching Interests:
Social Work with older adults; Aging in place; Aging and Mental Health; Community-Based Care; Cultural Competence in Aging; Geriatric Case Management; Elder Advocacy; Intergenerational Engagement; Aging Policy and Services

Sarah Canham

Sarah Canham
Associate Professor; Associate Director, IPE

(801) 581-8738

Research/Teaching Interests:
Social Determinants of Health; Health and Social Services; Environments and Aging; Homelessness; Substance Use and Dependence; Mental Health; Qualitative Research Methods; Community-based Participatory Research; Life Course Perspective; Social Construction of Knowledge; Culture of Medicine; Knowledge Translation

Jason Castillo

Jason Castillo
Professor; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

(801) 585-9592

Research/Teaching Interests:
Disadvantaged Children and Families with an Emphasis on Fathers, Social Work Education, Substance Use Disorder Counselor Education and Training, Social Welfare Policy, Macro Social Work Practice

Kathy Drechsler

Katherine Drechsler
Assistant Professor/Lecturer 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Field education, evidence-based practice in social work education, teaching pedagogy of diversity in social work education, substance use disorder practice, self-care in social work practice, social work practice courses, substance use courses, policy, and field education

Caren Frost

Caren J. Frost
Research Professor; Associate Vice President for Research Integrity & Compliance; Associate Dean for Research

(801) 581-5287

Research/Teaching Interests:
Women’s Health, Global Health, Breast Cancer, Research Ethics

Jennifer Gervais

Jennifer Gervais
Assistant Professor/Lecturer

Research/Teaching Interests:
Competency-based Education, Social Emotional Learning, Best Practices in Field Education, Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Lindsay Gezinski

Lindsay Gezinski
Associate Professor; Director, MSW Program

(801) 581-7585

Research/Teaching Interests:
Gender-based Violence, Human Trafficking, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Social Policy, Global Social Work

Ellie Goldberg

Ellie Goldberg
Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-4351

Research/Teaching Interests:
Trauma and Healing, Sexual and Relationship Violence, College Student Wellness, Program Development and Administration

Christina Gringeri

Christina Gringeri

(801) 581-4864

Research/Teaching Interests:
Diversity in Social Work Education and Practicum; Qualitative Research Methods and Evaluation of Qualitative Research; Feminisms in Social Work Research

Tonie Michelle Hanaazbaa

Tonie Michelle Hanáázbaa'
Director, BSW Field Education | MSW Advanced Standing Field Education; Practicum Professor; Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-4309

Research/Teaching Interests:
Social Justice, Indigenous Education, Substance Use Disorders, (Dis)Ability

Bacall Hincks

Bacall Hincks
Assistant Professor (Clinical) 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Parenting, Child Welfare, Kinship, Human Trafficking, Social Policy, Program Development and Adminstration, Macro Social Work

Jeremiah Jaggers

Jeremiah Jaggers
Associate Professor; Director, PhD Program

(801) 581-7644

Research/Teaching Interests:
Intersection of Multi-system Youth, Mental Illness, and Mental Health Services; Long Term Effects of Child Maltreatment; Family Dynamics and Juvenile Justice System Involvement; Latent Variable Modeling; Analysis of Big Data; Research and Evaluation; Statistics; Psychopathology; Child Welfare; Social Welfare Policy

Curtis Johnson

Leroy Curtis Johnson
Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-8560

Research Interests:
Disproportionate Minority Contact, Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Child Protection Services-Safety Organized Practice, Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

Josh Kivlovitz

Josh Kivlovitz
Assistant Professor/Lecturer 

Research Interests:
Behavioral and Mindfulness-based Interventions, Suicidality and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Complex and Single Episode Trauma, Community Organizing and Advocacy

Richie Landward

Richard Landward
Assistant Professor/Lecturer

(801) 581-4298

Research/Teaching Interests:
Combat Related PTSD, Mindfulness, Community Schools

Danielle Littman

Danielle Littman
Assistant Professor 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Wellbeing of Youth Experiencing Homelessness & Intersecting Marginalization; Third Places (Community Settings); Permanent Supportive Housing; Mutual Aid & Peer Support; Place-based Work; Qualitative, Participatory, & Arts-based Research Methods

Alysse Loomis

Alysse Loomis
Assistant Professor

(801) 581-8679

Research/Teaching Interests:
Early Childhood Trauma; Child Maltreatment Prevention; Early Care and Education, Attachment; Trauma-informed Care; Social Work Practice

Brad Lundahl

Brad Lundahl
Associate Professor

(801) 581-4570

Research/Teaching Interests:
Motivational Interviewing, Meta-analyses, Parent Training

Erika Marks

Erika Marks
Research Assistant Professor

(801) 581-5217

Research/Teaching Interests:
Child Welfare Workforce Development 

Chad McDonald

Chad McDonald
Research Assistant Professor; Director, Social Research Institute

(801) 581-6155

Research/Teaching Interests:
Trauma-Informed Systems in Child Welfare, Cross-section of Supervisory Support, Transfer of Learning, and Implementation Science Drivers, Child Welfare Training Curricula, Evidence-based Practice in Child Welfare, Professional and Organizational Competence of Child Welfare Agencies

Misty McIntyre Goodsell

Misty McIntyre Goodsell
Research Assistant Professor 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Women's Health; Substance Use; Environmental Justice; Technology

Meeyoung Min

Meeyoung Min
Associate Professor; Belle S. Spafford Endowed Chair

(801) 581-8796

Research/Teaching Interests:
Prenatal Drug Exposure; Trauma; Maternal Mental Health; Child Development; Adolescence Substance Use

Robert C. Morris

Robert C. (R.C.) Morris
Assistant Professor/Clinical

Research/Teaching Interests:
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Criminology and Juvenile Justice, Developmental Social Psychology, Existential Psychotherapy, Mindfulness/Meditation, Quantitative Statistical Methods

Dena Ned

Dena Ned
Associate Professor/Lecturer

(801) 581-8902

Research/Teaching Interests:
American Indian/Tribal Nations/Indigenous Issues and Policy (Indian Child Welfare; Indian Health Care; Intergenerational and Historical Trauma; Urban Indian Systems of Care; Research Regulation in Indian Country; Sovereignty of Native Nations in Higher Education [Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Methodologies, American Indian Student Success]); Macro Social Work and Policy Practice; Generalist Practice; Public Service

Allison O'Connor

Allison O'Connor
Assistant Professor/Lecturer

(801) 581-3641

Research/Teaching Interests:
Child welfare, Animal-Assisted Mental Health Intervention, Bayesian Modeling, Program Evaluation, Evidence-Informed Practice/Practice-Informed Evidence

Julia OConnor

Julia O'Connor
Assistant Professor

Research/Teaching Interests:
Domestic/dating and sexual violence; violence prevention;  bystander interventions; men and masculinities; sexual and reproductive health and rights; evaluation research

Philip Osteen

Philip Osteen
Professor; Dean

(801) 581-8861

Research/Teaching Interests:
Suicide Intervention and Prevention, Mental Health, Psychometrics, Advanced Statistical Analyses

Lindsey Palmer

Lindsey Palmer
Assistant Professor 

Research/Teaching Interests:
The Child Welfare System; Child Maltreatment Prevention; Intersection of Neglect and Poverty; Mental Illness and Service Utilization  

Patrick Panos

Patrick Panos
Associate Professor

(801) 581-8914

Research/Teaching Interests:
Distance Learning, International Social Work, Participatory Community-Based Research, Refugee Trauma, Cross-Cultural Mental Health

Kort Prince

Kort Prince
Research Associate Professor

(801) 587-9947

Research/Teaching Interests:
Criminal and Juvenile Justice; Longitudinal and Multilevel Models, Generalized Linear Models, Generalized Additive Models, Survival Analysis, Experimental Methodology


Ariel Richer
Assistant Professor 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Decolonial Thought; Community-based Research; Culturally Tailored Interventions; Black, Indigenous and Queer Communities; Substance Use; Intimate Partner Violence 

Yvette Romero Coronado

Yvette Romero Coronado
Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-4711

Research/Teaching Interests:
Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Engagement, Feminist Multicultural Therapy, Curanderismo/Traditional Medicine, Latinxs Epistemologies

Emily Salisbury

Emily Salisbury
Associate Professor; Director, Utah Criminal Justice Center

(801) 581-4379

Research/Teaching Interests:
Criminological Behavior, Correctional Philosophy and Rehabilitation, Justice-Involved Women and Girls, Correctional Risk/Need/Strength Assessment, Gender- and Trauma-Responsive Policy and Practice

Cynthia Sanders

Cynthia Sanders
Associate Professor; Director, Online Programs

(801) 581-3199

Research/Teaching Interests:
Social Welfare Policy, Asset Based Welfare, Financial Capability and Inclusion,  Financial Factors in Intimate Partner Violence, Digital Divide, Mixed Research Methods

Christian Sarver

Christian Sarver
Research Assistant Professor; Associate Director, Utah Criminal Justice Center

(801) 587-9437

Research/Teaching Interests:
Correctional Rehabilitation and Programming, Reentry, Offender Pathways and Desistance, Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice, Qualitative Research Methods

Elizabeth Siantz

Elizabeth Siantz
Assistant Professor

(801) 585-0975

Research/Teaching Interests:
Promotion of Health Equity for Persons with Mental Illness, Using Qualitative Methods, Social Network Analysis, and Mixed Methods to Study the Development and Implementation of Integrated Behavioral Health Care, Peer Mental Health Providers, and Trauma-informed Communities

Maria Skedros

Maria Skedros
Assistant Professor/Lecturer

Research/Teaching Interests:
Sexual Trauma and Healing, Sexual Empowerment, utilizing Mindfulness-based skills and Feminist Multicultural Therapy.

Tamber Snarr-Beesley

Tamber Snarr-Beesley
Assistant Professor/Clinical

(801) 581-8901

Research/Teaching Interests:
Grief and Loss Therapy, Children Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Martell Teasley

Martell Teasley
Professor; Associate Provost for Strategic Academic Initiatives

Research/Teaching Interests:
African American Adolescent Development, Diversity in Cultural Competence, Black Studies, School Social Work Practice

Veronica Timbers

Veronica Timbers
Assistant Professor/Lecturer 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Clinical Practice with LGBTQ+ Clients; Experiences of Rurally-located LGBTQ+ People; Advocacy and Policy for Trans and Gender Expansive People; Impact of Faith and Spirituality On LGBT+ Individuals; Innovations and Efficacy in Social Work Education; Human Behavior and Practice Theory; Clinical Mental Health Assessment and Treatment; Equity and Justice Topics for Practice

Laura Van Hook

Laura Van Hook

Assistant Professor/Clinical 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Field Education, Women and Children's Health, Social Determinants of Health, Systems Theory, Crisis Intervention, Experiential Therapy, Neurodiversity, Social Work in Schools

Yitong Xin

Yitong Xin
Assistant Professor 

Research/Teaching Interests:
Substance Use and Addiction; Mental and Behavioral Health; Trauma and Minority Stress; Resilience and Strengths-Based Methodologies; Harm Reduction Approaches; Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy; Mixed-Methods and Advanced Quantitative Research







Last Updated: 3/24/25