Utah Criminal Justice Center
Working toward reducing crime and victimization, and inspiring sound public policy and fair treatment in the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
Juvenile Justice Research Summary
Most youth involved in delinquent behavior or gangs naturally outgrow it, with community-based, family-focused programs offering the best results in reducing long-term criminal involvement.
Criminal Justice Research Summary
The research underscores the importance of a balanced approach to crime prevention, with a focus on rehabilitation and community-based strategies.
Featured Projects

Evaluation of the Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Pay for Success (PFS) Program: Reach
Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative approach that leverages taxpayer risk by funding social service programs with private capital and ties payment...

Housing Support and Stability Program (HSSP) Families Project
This project was part of a 5-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grant that was awarded to The Road Home...

Women's Reentry Assessment Programming, and Services
Gender-responsive approaches start with women in mind and address womens' gendered pathways into the system, their needs, strengths...
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UCJC Conference
Conferences that bring together researchers, practitioners, correctional professionals, administrators, students, academics, and policymakers from across the state to discuss emerging research and developments in the criminal and juvenile justice field.