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Policies and Procedures of the Utah Criminal Center (UCJC)

APPROVED: November 12, 2020

The name of this entity shall be the Utah Criminal Justice Center (hereinafter “UCJC”).


UCJC was formally authorized by the Utah State Board of Regents on March 10, 2006 as a collaboration among the University of Utah College of Social Work, College of Law, and College of Social and Behavioral Science. 

To provide organizations with research, training, and technical assistance grounded in scientific evidence to prevent and reduce crime and victimization among all communities, with an understanding that approaches must be tailored to the contextual needs of organizations and the varied populations they serve. 

To become an integral research and thought partner on crime and justice solutions in the West. 

The goals of UCJC include the following: 

  1. to produce and disseminate applied research that furthers community understanding and assists in the development of public policy on issues of criminal and juvenile justice, as well as advances the body of knowledge in these areas;
  2. to recruit faculty to teach an interdisciplinary curriculum in criminal and juvenile justice;
  3. to train and place university students as professionals in the criminal and juvenile justice systems; and to recruit, train, and place system-impacted individuals among educational opportunities to further their positive life trajectories;
  4. to contribute toward crime and justice solutions involving all stakeholders that recognize the social determinants of health in an effort to achieve equal outcomes for all communities in promotion of social justice;
  5. to assist communities and organizations in understanding and dismantling systemic oppression of all kinds, through scientifically demonstrated methods rooted in the voices of those most affected both as professionals and system-impacted individuals; and
  6. to consistently model for communities and organizations that individuals involved in the criminal and juvenile justice systems have frequently been victims themselves, experiencing cumulative vulnerabilities, yet who always have the potential for growth and healing.

A Board of Directors for UCJC shall be comprised of the following members:

  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Social Work
  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Law
  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Social and Behavioral Science
  • Executive Director of the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
  • Executive Director of the Utah Department of Corrections
  • Director of the Utah Division of Juvenile Justice Services
  • Utah State Court Administrator
  • Commissioner of the Utah Department of Public Safety
  • Director of the Utah State Sentencing Commission
  • Director of the Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health

All members are appointed to the board ex officio (i.e., by virtue of their positions). 
Pursuant to Article IV herein, the Board of Directors may create new board member positions as necessary, either as ex officio or appointed members.
For each meeting, the Director of UCJC will be responsible for convening and conducting the meeting (e.g., presenting the agenda, assuring that the agenda is adhered to, overseeing voting, etc.). In the absence of the UCJC Director, the UCJC Associate Director will convene and conduct the meeting. 
Purpose & Duties
The duties of the Board of Directors will include:

  1. Policy: setting policies, goals, and objectives of UCJC;
  2. Research: collaborate to develop UCJC research agenda and priorities; guide and support efforts to secure external funding for UCJC research activities; serve as partners to pursue external funding.
  3. Events: guiding the planning and execution of UCJC sponsored events (e.g., lectures, symposia, conferences, etc.).
  4. Curriculum: guiding the development of criminal and juvenile justice curriculum at the University of Utah.
  5. Career Development: supporting the establishment and maintenance of student career development opportunities (e.g., internships, externships, job placement, etc.).


The UCJC Budget is determined and overseen by the College of Social Work.

The Board of Directors shall convene at least three times each year.

The attendance of a majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes. A quorum is desired, but not necessary, for a Board meeting to be convened.

Key decisions, as determined by the Chair, shall be made by a majority vote of those board members in attendance.

A board member may appoint a designee to represent him or her at a meeting. A designee may vote and shall count as an attending member for purposes of a quorum call.

Executive Committee

The Board of Directors shall have an Executive Committee which will oversee the operations of UCJC. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following Board members:

  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Social Work
  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Law
  • Dean of the University of Utah College of Social and Behavioral Science

Center Leadership

The Director(s) of UCJC will be appointed by and serve under the direction of the Executive Committee.

Authority and Rights

Nothing stated herein shall be construed as modifying the authority and rights of, respectively, the Utah State Board of Regents, the University of Utah, the College of Social Work, the College of Law, and the College of Social and Behavioral Science to exercise dominion and control over their facilities and resources and to provide direction for their employees.


The foregoing policies and procedures may be amended by majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Last Updated: 6/14/24